RFIS zoekt medewerkers

Leestijd: 3 minuten  |  11 december 2020

Onderstaande ontvingen we uit Kameroen. Dat brengen we graag bij je onder de aandacht.

“Our children won’t have a school to attend.’ This is the reality that jarred us recently. If we don’t have a God-given influx of missionary teachers and staff in the next 3-5 years, RFIS will cease to exist. We’re trusting God to provide just what our school needs at just the right time.” These grave words of an RFIS board member reflect both reality and hopefulness.

We are trusting God. But God’s plans have always involved God’s people joining him in His work. We are asking you to help us continue God’s life-changing work through RFIS.

Here is our reality (vid clip). Due to retirements and a reduced number of new long-term teachers over the past several years, we are entering a critical season in the life of our RFIS. Within three years, nearly 75% of our current teaching staff will retire or end their temporary position at RFIS to return to their long-term role. We desperately need new teachers and staff to join us. However, we cannot wait for three years to find these people. It takes time to apply to a sending agency, to raise support, and to prepare for life in Cameroon. We need people to begin this journey now. That is why we need you, now.

Rain Forest International School provides more than a 7-12 grade education. RFIS is a life-changing community of teachers, staff, and students. RFIS was founded to provide missionaries in this part of Africa with an excellent school for their children. Today, RFIS serves missionary families as well as  students are from Cameroon and other countries. RFIS graduates are engaged in creative and transformative lives and ministries in various countries around the world! Here is one example:

Manka Angwafo, who is half Cameroonian and half Jamaican, attended RFIS in the early 2000s. In 2019, she was named Laureate for Sub-Saharan Africa by the Cartier Women’s Initiative. She started a business called Grasslands Cameroon, to improve the livelihoods of rural farmers in Cameroon by increasing their yield and reducing waste. Her business re-invests their profits to continue helping farmers in need. You can find out more at http://www.grassland-africa.com.

We are asking you to help us share an amazing opportunity. We are looking for people with a passion to transform lives who possess specific skills and abilities. We desperately need teachers in every discipline, but we also need a finance manager, a librarian, an IT network specialist, a student counselor, an academic counselor, learning support and ELL specialists, and a director of facilities and technical services. Do you have any of these skills? Please, ask God if he wants you to join His ministry through RFIS. If you do not have these skills, do you know someone who does? Would you talk to them about RFIS? Maybe give them a copy of this letter? It could be the nudge they need to follow God to RFIS.

RFIS offers a Christian academic, social, artistic, athletic, and spiritual environment that prepares students for their next stage of life. RFIS works through relationships to transform lives! A school like this cannot exist without quality teachers and staff. Will you help us?

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]. Or go to the RFIS website at www.rfis.org.

Thank you.

Please contact us if you or someone you know might be interested in serving RFIS as:

  • Librarian
  • IT Network Specialist
  • Student Counselor
  • Learning Support Specialist
  • Finance Manager
  • Teacher (middle/high school level Math, Science, Social Studies, English
  • Facilities & Technical Services Director
  • Academic Counselor
  • ELL Teacher/Support
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